272 W Mesquite Blvd
Mesquite, NV
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Lot Size: 2.07 Acres |
The subject property is a 4305 sqft operating garage with a large warehouse (garage) area as well as rooms for parts and storage. The occupant is on a month to month lease. There is a large yard area, reception space and office, lounge with bathrooms and a drive thru "ice shack" with a few months left on their lease. Includes 3 parcels = 2.07 acres that are accessible from Mesquite Blvd and from 1st South. It is located in the central portion of Mesquite along the south side of West Mesquite Blvd approx 900 feet east of Arrowhead lane Mesquite has good traffic linkage to Las Vegas, St. George, Utah and Arizona. Will always be highly visible and easily accessed from the Boulevard. The CR-2, Commercial - General Zoning allows for a wide variety of commercial uses including retail centers.
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